The first-ever Michigan March for Life will be Wednesday, Nov. 8 at the State Capitol (100 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Michigan) – see schedule and route map below. This is an opportunity for Michiganders of all ages and backgrounds to engage in the pro-life movement.

The national March for Life organization has begun to organize these state marches as legislative action moves to the state level. One of the goals is to capture the attention of lawmakers and their staffs by hosting the rally and march on a day when they are in session.


For those traveling on the diocesan bus from Muskegon and Grand Rapids, Masses will be available as follows before the bus departs:

In Lansing:
9:30 a.m. – Mass at St. Mary Cathedral (219 Seymour, Lansing) – Due to limited seating, registration is required for Mass, see link below.
Mass registration link:
10 a.m. – Pre-rally concert
11 a.m. – Rally
NOTE: The diocesan communications team will be present at the March. Anyone attending from our diocese is encouraged to meet up with us at the rally so we can march together. Look for the Diocese of Grand Rapids banner and tag March for Life in your social posts using #MiMarchforLife.
12 p.m. – State March for Life (Route Map)
The rally and March will take place at the State Capitol, 100 N. Capitol Ave. in Lansing. 


March organizers are asking people to register to receive event updates and for planning purposes. Registration can be found at 

For more details, visit the Michigan March for Life website or contact DJ Florian, diocesan director of Pastoral Services and Respect Life Ministry.

Register to receive March Info and Updates


The diocese will be sponsoring two buses, one departing from Grand Rapids and one from Muskegon. The cost is $20/person. Email Jennifer Baxter, for more information or to reserve your spot. If you are interested in attending, you may also contact your parish office about a carpool or bus. To find other publicly available bus transportation, visit

For those traveling on the diocesan bus from Muskegon and Grand Rapids, Masses will be available as follows before the bus departs:


MAP of Individual Parking
Public parking is also available downtown (see How to park)

Who’s speaking at the State March?

Join thousands of Catholics from across Michigan to hear from powerful speakers in defense of life! Genecia Davis, founder of Black Girls for Life, is the keynote speaker. Genecia will share her personal story of abortion and her subsequent path to peace. 

Additional speakers include Bishop Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing; Barb Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan; Jeannie Mancini, president of National March for Life; Mildred Parker-Miller, long-time advocate for life, who spent 34 years working in the foster care and adoption system in Detroit; Dr. Michelle Monticello, OB-GYN, co-medical director for Life Choices of Central Michigan, and State Senator Thomas Albert, whose district covers portions of our diocese.

Marcha por la Vida de Michigan

Fecha: Miércoles, 8 de noviembre del 2023
Lugar: El Capitolio del Estado, 100 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing

  • 10 a.m. – Concierto previa a la concentración
  • 11 a.m. – Concentración en el Capitolio del Estado, 100 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing
  • Mediodía – Marcha desde el Capitolio del Estado hasta el Tribunal Supremo del Estado, aproximadamente 2 calles o cuadras. (Mapa de ruta)

Opciones de transporte: Consulte con su parroquia para ver si están organizando un viaje compartido o un autobús, o planifique el suyo propio. La diócesis patrocinará dos autobuses, uno que saldrá de Grand Rapids y otro de Muskegon. El coste es de $20 dólares por persona. Envíe un correo electrónico a Jennifer Baxter, para más información o para reservar su plaza. Los menores no acompañados no pueden viajar en el autobús patrocinado por la diócesis. Para encontrar otro transporte en autobús disponible al público, visite

Para aquellos que viajan en el autobús diocesano desde Muskegon y Grand Rapids, las misas estarán disponibles de la siguiente manera antes de la salida del autobús:


Mapa de aparcamiento individual
Aparcamiento público en el centro

¿Quién va a hablar en la Marcha Estatal Por la Vida?

¡Únase a miles de católicos de todo Michigan para escuchar a poderosos oradores en defensa de la vida! Genecia Davis, fundadora de Black Girls for Life, es la oradora principal. Genecia compartirá su historia personal sobre el aborto y su posterior camino hacia la paz.

Otros oradores incluyen al obispo Boyea de la Diócesis de Lansing; Barb Listing, presidenta de Derecho a la Vida de Michigan; Jeannie Mancini, presidenta de la Marcha Nacional por la Vida; Mildred Parker-Miller, defensora de la vida desde hace mucho tiempo, quien pasó 34 años trabajando en el sistema de orfanatos y adopción en Detroit; Dra. Michelle Monticello, obstetra-ginecóloga, codirectora médica de Life Choices of Central Michigan, y el senador estatal Thomas Albert, cuyo distrito cubre partes de nuestra diócesis.

Additional resources

October is Respect Life Month: Learn more