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Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, J.C.D., is the 12th bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. He was appointed bishop by Pope Francis on April 18, 2013. He was ordained and installed on June 18, 2013 during Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew.
Office of the Bishop
Episcopal Coat of Arms
Bishops of the Diocese
The Diocese of Grand Rapids was established on May 19, 1882. The diocese comprises 11 counties of Western Michigan: Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, and Ottawa. The diocese serves 175,114 Catholics, and has 79 parishes and 31 schools.
Televised Mass
Catholic Services Appeal
Cathedral Square Center
Conference Center
Our Shepherds - Our Future Capital Campaign
Catholic Cemeteries
Affiliated Organizations
Strategic Plans
Diocesan ministries assist in furthering the mission of the Church in West Michigan and serve as a resource to parishes, individual Catholics and the broader community. These offices exist to foster Catholic identity, engage pastoral leadership, recognize and celebrate diversity, and promote evangelization and ecumenism.
Black Catholic Ministry
Catholic Charities West Michigan
Catholic Foundation of West Michigan
Catholic Information Center
Child & Youth Protection
Diaconate Program
Faith Formation
Immigration Legal Services
Liturgical Music
Marriage/Family Life
Hispanic Ministry
Native American Ministry
Prison and Jail Ministry
Respect Life
Young Adult
Each of us is called by God to a life of holiness. Our vocation is the way we live out that call. It’s up to each person to discern through prayer, discussion, reading of Scripture, formation and even spiritual direction where God is calling him/her and to respond generously to his call. Some are called to marriage, others to consecrated or religious life, and still others to holy orders which includes deacons and priests. The Diocese of Grand Rapids is blessed with diocesan priests, priests from religious communities, and from other dioceses, as well as deacons, seminarians, and women religious.
Priestly Vocations
Diaconate Formation
Consecrated Religious Life
The Diocese of Grand Rapids includes 79 parishes located in cities and towns throughout our 11 counties. Mass is celebrated in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Weekend Mass Times
Adoration Schedules
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Grand Rapids are an alliance of 31 vibrant learning communities serving more than 6,400 elementary and high school students throughout West Michigan. Our schools inspire young people to grow in Catholic faith and grace, achieve more in school and life, develop creativity and character, and feel welcomed and cherished for their unique gifts. We partner with parents to awaken the whole child to a world of light and life — that grows better and brighter when children reach their potential.
About Catholic Schools
Find a School
School Board Resources
Strategic Plan
Protecting Gods Children
Protecting God's Children
The Diocese of Grand Rapids is committed to protecting children and adults from harm. Our safe environment program aims to prevent sexual abuse within our community and to help heal the wounds of past victims. All of our programs are in compliance with the USCCB's Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People. If you need to report an instance of abuse, please call the Michigan Attorney General's hotline, 844-324-3374.
Protecting God’s Children
Report Abuse
Safe Environment Training
Compliance and Audits
Bishops of the Diocese
Most Reverend David John Walkowiak, J.C.D.
Most Reverend Walter A. Hurley
Priests of the Diocese
Rev. Michael J. Alber
Rev. Juan Apolinar Palomar Alcantar, MCCJ
Rev. Msgr. Gaspar F. Ancona
Rev. Louis L. Anderson
Rev. Andrew M. Ayers
Rev. Rock J. Badgerow
Rev. Nicholas R. Baker
Rev. Matthew J. Barnum
Rev. Eugene T. Batungbacal, CSsR
Rev. Mark F. Bauer
Rev. M. Thomas Bolster
Rev. Thomas F. Boufford
Rev. Ken Boyack, CSP
Rev. Douglas A. Braun
Rev. Charles D. Brown
Rev. Thomas J. Brown
Rev. G. Fredrick Brucker
Rev. Michael E. Burt
Rev. Edwin Carreño Carreño
Rev. Ryan Casey, CSP
Rev. Thomas J. Cavera
Rev. Patrick T. Cawley
Rev. James A. Chelich
Rev. Michael F. Cilibraise
Rev. Dominic T. Couturier
Rev. Steven D. Cron
Rev. Mike Cruickshank, CSP
Rev. Peter O. Damian
Rev. George E. Darling
Rev. Jordan DeGuire, OP
Rev. Daniel R. DePew
Rev. Norman P. Droski
Rev. Stephen S. Dudek
Rev. Msgr. William H. Duncan, JCL
Rev. Stephen J. Durkee
Rev. Bill Edens, CSP
Rev. Christopher T. Epplett
Rev. Aaron R. Ferris
Rev. Patrick Jegar N. Fickel
Rev. Ron P. Floyd
Rev. Luis F. Garcia
Rev. Pedro V. Garcia
Rev. Steven W. Geerling
Rev. Michael J. Goodwin
Rev. Doug Greer, OP
Rev. Charles D. Hall
Rev. Msgr. Edward A. Hankiewicz
Rev. Michael G. Hodges
Rev. Richard J. Host
Very Rev. Ronald D. Hutchinson
Rev. David A. Jameson
Rev. Robert J. Keller, OP
Rev. Darrel C. Kempf
Rev. Kyle J. Kilpatrick
Rev. Lawrence J. King
Rev. Theodore J. Kozlowski
Rev. Victor Kynam
Rev. Joachim Lally, CSP
Rev. Lam T. Le
Rev. Donald E. Lomasiewicz
Rev. Oscar Londoño Builes, MXY
Rev. Charlon O. Mason
Rev. Paul A. Milanowski
Rev. Mark E. Mitchell
Rev. Nicholas Monco, OP
Rev. Robert C. Mulderink
Rev. Colin J. Mulhall
Rev. Ayub Francis Nasar
Rev. Troy A. Nevins
Very Rev. Kevin Niehoff, OP
Rev. Scott T. Nolan
Rev. Dennis A. O’Donnell
Rev. Bartholomew Okagbue
Rev. Michael P. Olson
Rev. Peter Omogo
Rev. Godfrey C. Onyekwere
Rev. Daniel R. Orris Jr.
Rev. Thomas P. Page
Rev. Mark E. Peacock
Rev. Anthony M. Pelak
Reverend Phong Q. Pham
Rev. Mark C. Przybysz
Rev. José Luis Quintana
Rev. Julian Reginato
Rev. Chris W. Rouech
Rev. Anthony S. Russo
Rev. David J. Sacha
Rev. Peter C. Schafer
Rev. Kenneth H. Schichtel
Rev. Msgr. Ernest P. Schneider
Rev. Daniel Schumaker
Rev. Charles J. Schwartz
Rev. Philip A. Shangraw
Rev. Thomas G. Simons
Rev. Robert A. Sirico
Rev. Phillip A. Sliwinski
Rev. John Bosco Ssekkomo
Rev. Msgr. R. Louis Stasker
Rev. Msgr. Terrence L. Stewart
Rev. Leonard A. Sudlik
Rev. Noah I. Thelen
Very Rev. Dat Q. Tran, CSP
Rev. Loc Q. Trinh
Rev. Anthony C. Vainavicz
Rev. John F. Vallier
Rev. James R. VanderLaan
Rev. William R. Vander Werff
Rev. Gregory Veneklase
Rev. Peter G. Vu
Rev. Donald E. Weber
Rev. Logan C. Weber
Rev. Wayne B. Wheeler Jr.
Rev. Phillip J. Witkowski
Rev. James B. Wyse
Rev. Jacob M. Zemaitis
Rev. William F. Zink