Memorial Mass for Father Antony Britto

St. Thomas the Apostle Church 3252 Apple Ave., Muskegon, MI, United States

The clustered parishes of Sacred Heart and St. Thomas the Apostle in Muskegon will celebrate a Memorial Mass for the repose of...

Creation, Evolution, and Our Place in the Cosmos

Hope College - Winants Audiorium at Graves Hall 263 College Ave., Holland, MI, United States

The Saint Benedict Institute at Hope College engages with the academy from an explicitly Catholic perspective and offers spiritual and intellectual formation...

Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Cathedral Square Center 360 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

As part of the Eucharistic Revival, all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will undergo training on Diocesan norms provided here (Spanish). Multiple...

Catechetical Sunday

"Come to me all you who labor and are burdened" Matthew 11:28 "Vengan a Mí, todos los que están cansados y cargados"...

Sharing the Wisdom of Time

Catholic Information Center 360 Division Ave. S., 2nd Floor, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Tuesday, Sept. 19, 10-11:30 a.m., Sharing the Wisdom of Time. Inspired by the collection of stories from elders from around the world...


DiscipleSHIFT Conference 2023

St. John the Evangelist Church 10701 Olcott Ave., St. John, IN, United States

Join your host St. John the Evangelist Parish for this upcoming conference. St. John the Evangelist is located in the Diocese of...

$15 – $75