Televised Mass
Live broadcasts from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Thank you for joining us for this webcast from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Grand Rapids. Each week, livestreaming of the Sunday Mass is available beginning at 10 a.m. ET.
Ways to Watch:
Watch on YouTube (click the button below, or click "play" in the video viewer below; also watch locally on TV on Fox 17:
Watch on YouTube
Recursos Espirituales Durante la Cuarentena Misas en Español en Vivo
Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024, 10 a.m., Fourth Sunday of Advent | 22 de diciembre del 2024, 12 p.m., Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Worship Aid: 10 a.m. Mass (PDF | Flipbook) - Ayuda de adoración: (PDF | Misa al mediodía)
Mass responses & prayers (Roman Missal Third Edition) | Daily Readings (USCCB) Guide for participating online in the celebration of Mass (Office of Pastoral Services)
Three ways to watch
Watch the live broadcast above, on our YouTube channel, or on television on Fox 17 (Sunday, 10 a.m. Mass only; check your local listings). Closed captioning of the LIVE webcast of Sunday Mass is available.
Watch Mass Videos
Video of each week's Sunday Mass will be available by noon the same day. Watch up to four week's worth of Sunday Masses, or special liturgies such as Ordination Mass, on our Facebook page, or watch more recent Mass videos on our YouTube channel.
Support the broadcast of TV Mass
Make a donation to support the televised broadcast of Mass. Give online here, or mail a check made out to "Diocese of Grand Rapids" to: Diocese of Grand Rapids - Office of Communications, 360 Division Ave. S., Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Thank you for your support of this important ministry!
The Diocese of Grand Rapids has been bringing the Catholic Mass on TV to the people of our diocese and beyond for 60 years!
Questions about the Mass broadcast may be directed to Annalise Laumeyer, director of communications.