Que viva la Virgen de Guadalupe! Happy feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12! Our Lady sent St. Juan Diego with miraculous flowers in his cloak to tell the bishop to build a church where people could receive her Son and her loving, tender care.

A tapestry of gifts: Families find community in intercultural connection (p. 16, December FAITH Grand Rapids magazine)

From the USCCB:
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Powerful Reminder That We Are All Called to Be One in Christ Jesus | Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es un poderoso recordatorio de que todos estamos llamados a ser uno en Cristo Jesús

Peregrinación y Misa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe/Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession and Mass – Dec. 11

In spite of wintry conditions, on Dec. 11, 2024 members of the Hispanic Catholic community in Grand Rapids hosted a night of celebrations for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Festivities included a pilgrimage between Our Lady of Sorrows Church and the Shrine of St. Francis and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church followed by Mass celebrated by Bishop Walkowiak. Monsignor Diego Monroy, retired rector of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, was a special guest for the festivities. Catholics across the diocese were invited to participate!

View photos from the procession and Mass (by Eric Tank):
Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession and Mass 2024

The procession left from Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 101 Hall St. SE, Grand Rapids, with the Shrine of St. Francis Xavier & Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 250 Brown St. SE, Grand Rapids (a 30-40 minute walk) as their destination.  Mass was celebrated by Bishop Walkowiak at the shrine at 8 p.m. Please address questions to Jesús Sanchez-Parada at jsanchez@grdiocese.org or call 616-551-4749.

Invitamos a la comunidad católica de Grand Rapids a participar en la procesión anual que se lleva el día Miércoles 11 de diciembre. Los peregrinos nos reuniremos a las 5:00 PM en la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores localizada al 101 Hall St SE en Grand Rapids y saldremos juntos en procesió aproximadamente a las 6:30 PM. Se le pide a cada persona qu traigan su vela y si desean traer algo de comida o bebida para compartir mientras estamos congregándonos. Contacto: Jesús Sanchez, jsanchez@grdiocese.org, 616-551-4749.

About Our Lady of Guadalupe

The story of the Virgin Mary’s appearance in Mexico to Juan Diego has inspired the faithful for more than 600 years. Our Lady is the patron of Mexico, the United States, and all of the Americas, as well as the protector of unborn children. In 1531, she appeared in a vision to the peasant Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill near Mexico City and charged him with asking the bishop to build a church on that spot. But the bishop demanded a sign, so Our Lady had Juan gather flowers in his cloak in December to take to the bishop. When Juan opened his cloak, the colorful image of Guadalupe was emblazoned on the cactuscloth. That icon is preserved in the most famous shrine in the Western Hemisphere, and Our Lady of Guadalupe continues to inspire poor and oppressed people worldwide. Juan Diego was canonized a saint in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. His feast day is celebrated on Dec. 9. (From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Sobre Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

La Virgen es la patrona de México, Estados Unidos y toda América, así como la protectora de los niños no nacidos. En 1531, se le apareció en una visión al campesino Juan Diego en el cerro del Tepeyac, cerca de Ciudad de México, y le encargó que pidiera al obispo que construyera una iglesia en ese lugar. Pero el obispo exigió una señal, así que la Virgen hizo que Juan recogiera flores en su manto en diciembre para llevárselas al obispo. Cuando Juan abrió su manto, la colorida imagen de Guadalupe estaba plasmada en la tela de nopal. Ese icono se conserva en el santuario más famoso del hemisferio occidental, y la Virgen de Guadalupe sigue inspirando a los pobres y oprimidos de todo el mundo. Juan Diego fue canonizado como santo en 2002 por el Papa Juan Pablo II. Su fiesta se celebra el 9 de diciembre. (De la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos)