Contact the Office of Communications
Are you a reporter working on a story? Contact the Office of Communications.
Overview, History and Quick Facts about the Diocese
Click here for the diocesan mission statement, historical information, a map of the diocese by deanery, and quick facts about the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Statements and Releases
Find news releases and statements from Bishop Walkowiak and the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Visit our Flickr account to view a broad selection of photos from diocesan, parish, and other events around the diocese. Permission is required for use of any photos found there. Contact the Office of Communications to request approval.
Want to know what the diocese is doing? Visit our home page to see What's Happening.
Diocesan Style Guide
Diocesan Social Media Policy
Read our diocesan social media policy for employees and volunteers in our diocesan offices, parishes, and schools. (Last updated Oct. 2016)
Media Release Form
Please contact the Office of Communications if you need a copy of our media release form.
How to cover the Mass
This resource from the USCCB assists the media in their important work of covering the church at prayer. The Mass is public prayer, yet on many occasions such as the ordination and installation of a bishop, it is also a news event.
Glossary of termsFAITH Grand Rapids magazine
Read: English/Spanish Editions, including cover story translations (2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021)
Archived Editions (2011-present)
Address Updates
Have a FAITH story idea, local news, or other information to share?
Check out FAITH Grand Rapids' Submission Guidelines.
March - Jan. 2, 2025
April - Jan 31, 2025
May (English/Spanish edition)- March 3, 2025
June - March 26, 2025
July/August (English/Spanish edition) - May 2, 2025
September - July 3, 2025
October - Aug. 4, 2025
November (English/Spanish edition) - Sept. 4, 2025
December - Oct. 2, 2025
*If you have information you'd like to submit for the magazine after the designated monthly deadline, please email details to JoAnn Fox. While we can’t guarantee coverage in the magazine, we’ll try our best.
Gift subscriptions are available for $20 per year, $10 per year for clergy and religious. Please contact JoAnn Fox if you would like to purchase a subscription.
Social Media