Michigan Restorative Justice Council


The Michigan Restorative Justice Council (MRJC) promotes victim/offender dialogue to open a path to mercy, forgiveness, healing, and restoration in our society. This would only occur if both the person who was harmed by the crime and the person who committed the crime agree. The Council will research restorative justice and mediation strategies that can be adopted legislatively to implement restorative justice mediation at the various stages of Michigan’s criminal justice process including pre- and post-charge, pre-trial, trial, and post-conviction.

Restorative practices seek to repair harm through transformative encounters. These practices promote alternative sentencing, in-prison transformation, re-entry support and interrupting the cycle of violence. The MRJC desires that crime and wrongdoing be viewed in terms of the people and relationships impacted, in addition to the law or rule that was broken. The MRJC seeks justice, not vengeance, and believes punishment must have a clear purpose of protecting society, healing victims, and rehabilitating those who violate the law.
For more information contact us:
tworrell@grdiocese.org, 616-475-1255

Council Members

Christina DeGroot – Professor, Calvin University (Retired)
Michael Duthler – Reentry and Recovery Coach, Fresh Coast Alliance
D.J. Florian – Director, Diocese of Grand Rapids Pastoral Services
Christine Gilman - Executive Director, Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan
D. J. Hilson – Muskegon County Prosecutor
Sen. Mark Huizenga – State Senator, 28th Senate District
Clorissa Novak - Grand Rapids Police Department, Victim Services Coordinator
Ryan Nichols – Calvin University, Calvin Prison Initiative Associate
Richard Ray – Professor, Hope College & Co-Director of Hope-Western Prison Education Program
Tara Rodriguez – Political Consultant, Calder Group
The Honorable Joseph Rossi – Judge, Kent County 17th Circuit Court
Angie Sprank – Coordinator, Region 4 Michigan Department of Corrections Offender Success Program
Paul Stankewitz - Policy Advocate, Michigan Catholic Conference
Tricia Worrell - Chairwoman, MRJC - Director, Diocese of Grand Rapids Prison and Jail Ministry
Lori Wortz – Independent Political Consultant


About the Michigan Restorative Justice Council

Bridging the Gap, Shaping the Restorative Narrative

Stories from prison regarding how programing has been restorative, transforming and has radically changed many of our incarcerated friends. It is their hope, these stories will inspire and encourage you to begin implementing restorative practices in your home, community, schools, churches and prison.

Forgiveness Panel Discussion

Watch this video to learn about the transformation that begins when those who have caused harm receive and accept forgiveness during this panel discussion from prison. This discussion was part of West Michigan's 3rd Annual Restorative Justice Conference: Radical Forgiveness.