OLC parishioner Todd Oatley visits with a guest


We are called to be Christian stewards

Stewardship calls us to recognize that everything we have is a gift from God and that we are called by God to receive these gifts gratefully, cultivate them fully and share them generously.

As Catholic stewards, we use the blessings we have received and demonstrate both our understanding that we are managers (not owners) of God’s gifts and our appreciation for what we have received. When we contribute our time, talent and treasure to our parish, diocese and the universal Church, we follow the example of the servant who multiplied his talents while his master was away.

How might I recognize and answer the call to Catholic stewardship?
Everyone has a calling, which is another way of saying that your walk with God is personal. When you hear the call to gratitude and responsibility—in your friendships and family, in your work, wherever you go—then taking the next step to answer that call is where Catholic stewardship may be clearly seen.

Stewardship is not simply making donations or taking care of the building and grounds. It is a way of life made up of four parts:

1. Receiving the gifts of God with gratitude
2. Cultivating our gifts responsibly
3. Sharing our gifts lovingly in justice with others
4. Standing before the Lord in a spirit of accountability

It is up to you to determine how you will live out this stewardship way of life. You will not be alone, however. Millions of fellow Catholics are traveling with you.

What does stewardship
look like?

It is an incredible challenge to live in imitation of the life of Christ. Living in a fast-paced environment with many responsibilities, our spiritual hunger does not always get a chance to be nourished through prayer and action. However, a clear sense of purpose—nourished by the Eucharist and our rich Catholic tradition—opens the door for us to actively commit to a life of gratitude and responsibility; to thank God for his endless gifts, and then to decide what we can do to help the world.

The rewards include:
• Making a difference in people's lives
• Becoming an active member of a fulfilling Catholic community
• Discovering talents inside you, waiting to be used
• Letting go of your worries and setting realistic goals in both your spiritual and secular life 
• Experiencing the amazing increase in God's presence that comes with a partnership with the Lord

Stewardship resources for parishes

The Diocese of Grand Rapids provides a variety of resources to assist parishes in the development and implementation of stewardship programs including:

• Public speaking on the topic of stewardship

• Assistance forming a Stewardship Committee at your parish

• Stewardship education and training

• A monthly stewardship newsletter
Read recent issues: July |June | May

• Articles and communications tools to educate parishioners about stewardship and engage them in practicing stewardship as a lifestyle

“How To” Manual —This manual provides a timeline for planning and implementation, describes roles and responsibilities for the pastor and volunteer committee, includes sample stewardship brochures and commitment forms, communications tools and more.

National Stewardship Conference— The annual conference features national stewardship experts to build awareness of stewardship and inspire staff and volunteers to continue their parish stewardship work, as well as breakout sessions that will help staff and volunteers enhance their parish programs.

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