Father Antony Britto Dahnasamy, SAC, who served in the Diocese of Grand Rapids for 11 years, died on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023, in India after a brief illness. His funeral Mass was celebrated on Aug. 28 at St. Vincent Pallotti Church in Banaswadi, India. Following the Mass, he was interred at the cemetery in Pallotti Nilaya, Chelikere, Bangalore.

Memorial Mass on Sept. 6 in Muskegon

The clustered parishes of Sacred Heart and St. Thomas the Apostle in Muskegon will celebrate a Memorial Mass for the repose of Father Britto’s soul on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church at 6 p.m. with a rosary beginning at 5:30 p.m. There will be a spaghetti and meatballs dinner after the Mass.

Please keep Father Britto and his family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

The following posts about Father Britto were shared recently on the Sacred Heart Church, Muskegon Heights Facebook page:

“We lost a beautiful soul today. Father Britto passed away today. Please keep him and his family members in your thoughts and prayers… We will always appreciate the blessings he brought to us at Sacred Heart as he truly loved that parish. May eternal rest be granted upon him.”


“It is incredible how many lives he touched across the world. We hold you close within our hearts, and there you shall remain to walk with us throughout our lives, until we meet again. So rest in peace dear Fr. Britto and many thanks for all you have done for us. We pray that God has given you the crown you have truly won. May you rest in peace. Amen”.