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Pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey: The Footsteps of St. Paul

October 5 - October 18

Travel Greece & Turkey: The Footsteps of St. Paul

It’s a good time to contemplate a Biblical Travel Tour coming up in October 2024. Spend 13 days exploring historical sites in Greece and Turkey made sacred not only by the presence of the Apostle Paul but also by the Evangelists John, Matthew, Luke, and other early Christian leaders. No other area in the world can match the natural beauty, spectacular archaeological, and significant historical sites connected with the first traces of the early Church as it moved out beyond the boundaries of Israel into the wider Gentile world. Here lie the historical foundations not only of the New Testament itself, but also the development of the earliest Apostolic Church as it began to take root in the Greco-Roman world. Details: https://ctu.edu/event/2024-greece-and-turkey/

Dates: October 5 – 18, 2024
Tour Guide: Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, President of Catholic Theological Union


October 5
October 18
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Catholic Theological Union
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