Natural Family Planning (NFP) refers to fertility-awareness-based methods of regulating conception. Based on scientific research, NFP is consistent with Catholic teaching and creates opportunities for married couples to take time together to understand, recognize and talk about the natural and biological signs of fertility and infertility.
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, with the theme this year of “Love Beyond Measure” celebrates fertility-based awareness methods and the marriage-strengthening benefits they offer for couples.
The dates of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week highlight the anniversary of the Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. July 25 and 26 which fall during NFP Awareness Week, mark the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Mother.
WATCH: a video message from Bishop Robert Barron, Chairman of the bishops’ Committee for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth
Learn more using the resources provided below:
NFP resources from the USCCB:
NFP Awareness Week
Q & A about NFP: Myth & Reality
Directory of National Providers
Liturgy & Prayers
Catholic Teaching
Learn about, register for NFP classes in the Grand Rapids area:
Grand Rapids NFP Coalition
Fertility Education & Support at the Franciscan Life Process Center
You, Me and NFP
From FAITH Grand Rapids magazine:
NFP by sea: A family adventure with a mission (June 2020)
If you have questions, please contact Paloma Olvera, in the office of pastoral services.