Each fall, the Diocese of Grand Rapids releases its annual report, an account of the essential works of the Church in our diocese and beyond throughout the previous year.

The October issue of FAITH Grand Rapids magazine contains the latest diocesan annual report.

Read Bishop Walkowiak’s letter to parishioners and view report details in your mailed issue (p. 20), or at the link below:

2023 Annual Report

The Annual Report includes:

Bishop’s Letter to Parishioners
Income & Expenses
Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Services Appeal
The Diocese “By the Numbers”
Protecting God’s Children: Safe Environment Training, Practices & Reporting Abuse
Catholic Schools
Faith Formation & Diocesan Ministries
Catholic Charities West Michigan
Office of Communications
Catholic Founation of West Michigan

If you have questions about the annual report, please contact:
Annalise Laumeyer, director of communications
alaumeyer@grdiocese.org, or 616-551-5629