While not a liturgical observance, Father’s Day is a wonderful time to recall the essential role of fathers in the life of the family and in building a culture of life. It is also an opportunity to highlight spiritual fatherhood, which all men are called to embrace. Fathers are called in a special way to reflect God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Similar to the way our heavenly Father cares for us, our earthly fathers are there to help us navigate life’s challenges and pick us up when we fall.

God the Father gave up his only Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might be saved through him. He provides an example of the very vocation of fatherhood. Fathers sacrifice for their families.

They do this by:
• Being the spiritual leaders and guardians of their families.
• Praying for and with their families.
• Being a courageous witness to the Gospel.
• Providing care and support for their families.
• Serving as an example of goodness and truth.
• Leading with courage and accountability.
• Laying down one’s life for the other.

Today, in a special way, let us be grateful for:
• Our fathers, by birth or adoption, who love us and support us through life.
• Our priests and bishops who act as spiritual fathers.
• God our Father, who will always teach justly and grant us boundless mercy.

From the USCCB:

Fathers have an irreplaceable role in welcoming life by Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre, bishop of Houma-Thibodaux (English and Español)
Action guide for parishes
The Positive Roles of Fathers (For your marriage)

Additional resources

Beyond Sunday podcast: Honoring the Dads (Unleash the Gospel, June 13, 2023)

“The longing for God is hardwired in us. It’s part of our DNA.”
Read “Longing for our Father” by Brian J. Plachta (FAITH Grand Rapids magazine, June 2021)

“Father’s Day is a day to remember both our earthly and our heavenly fathers’ blessings.”
Read “A father’s blessing” by Brian J. Plachta (FAITH Grand Rapids magazine, June 2018)

Read St. John Paul II’s Redemptoris Custos, an apostolic exhortation on the person and mission of St. Joseph