parishioners make the sign of peace during midnight mass at the cathedral of saint andrew in grand rapids, michigan

Register at a parish

Want to become a parish member?

It's a simple process that only takes about five minutes.

A person should become a member at whatever parish they regularly attend. To become a member, begin by calling the parish office. They will either email you a simple form or have you come in and fill one out. We encourage anyone over the age of 18 to register at a parish.

Every parish has different requirements for membership, but on a basic level at least one person in the family has to be Catholic (usually one of the parents), you should attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation, come to confession at least once a year, receive Communion at least once a year during the Easter season, and provide support for the Church through monetary gifts or service.

Parishes encourage you to register so that you can receive pastoral care from the pastor and staff, along with becoming a full member of the community of faith. Our faith is a living thing that when nourished well will flourish. In addition, registered parishioners receive FAITH Grand Rapids magazine and can apply for the parishioner rate of tuition at our Catholic schools.