Join us in wishing a happy anniversary and birthday to Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak who will celebrate his 11th anniversary as a bishop and his 71st birthday on June 18, 2024!

The announcement of Bishop Walkowiak’s appointment by Pope Francis as bishop of Grand Rapids came on April 18, 2013. He was ordained and installed the 12th bishop of our diocese on June 18, 2013 at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Grand Rapids.

Significant Dates:
Ordination to the Priesthood for the Diocese of Cleveland: June 9, 1979
Appointed Bishop of Grand Rapids: April 18, 2013
Episcopal Ordination and Installation, Diocese of Grand Rapids: June 18, 2013

Please pray for our bishop as he continues to shepherd our diocese.

Those who’d like to help Bishop Walkowiak celebrate are invited to send a card or note to:

Bishop David Walkowiak
Diocese of Grand Rapids
360 Division Ave. S.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Learn more:

Biography | Personal Coat of Arms | Watch Homilies | View photos: Bishop Walkowiak’s episcopacy 

WATCH: The Chair – Grand Rapids, Cathedral of Saint Andrew
The Chair is a television series that highlights America’s cathedrals, exploring the rich fabric and diversity of the Catholic Church through the eyes of the local bishop.

(Photo credit, main page image: Rob Schumaker)