In a continuing effort to be as transparent as possible, Bishop Walkowiak created a video message for the faithful of the Diocese of Grand Rapids on Feb. 7 ahead of the worldwide meeting of bishops at the Vatican. The worldwide meeting, Feb. 21-24 at the Vatican, gathered presidents of bishops’ conferences from around the world with Pope Francis to discuss the clergy sexual abuse scandal and our global response as a Catholic Church. Bishop Walkowiak’s video addresses the meeting and some of the frequently asked questions he has received from parishioners.

Report Abuse

If you were sexually abused, or know of someone who was abused by a member of the clergy or a representative of the Church, please contact our Victim Assistance Coordinator at 616-840-2079 or by email at [email protected] or the Attorney General of the State of Michigan hotline at 844-324-3374.


Letters from Bishop Walkowiak to the faithful

Initial letter regarding the scandal – August 2018 (English | Español)
Follow-up letter regarding the scandal – September 2018 (English | Español)
Reflection on the USCCB General Fall Assembly – November 2018 (English | Español)


Safe environment training in the diocese
Diocesan compliance and audits
National and local resources
Safe environment policies and procedures in the diocese (English | Español)